
36 hours to go

Yep, the count down in hours has finally started. I've been finishing off quilts, toppings and as an extra treat, I've even made a few make-up bags and cushion covers - just to tempt you. Of course, I am planning to celebrate the first market that Quilt Quisine will have a stall - with of course a wonderful little cocktail (Italian, I may add) and a bite to eat (English - very multi-cultural). Don't forget - 2 pm on Sunday, 29 September at Park Frankendael, Amsterdam - the weather is promising to be glorious. 


The big day is swiftly approaching - my first market! I have already finished 6 quilts that will be on sale on the day to show my wares, as they say. I have another 2 weeks to go and have been to-ing and fro-ing as to which quilts I should finish and which I should leave as toppings so that purchasers can decide how they should be quilted and finished. Decisions, decisions...